
Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's cold;)

I apologize first for not blogging often now, I have to study so I'll be doing our activities on daily basis and I'll add them all on one blog every once in a while.
It's cold, it's winter, it's snowy and it's CHRISTMAS:) We don't celebrate Christmas with its religious meaning since we are Muslims and I don't intend to make Sarah think that Santa Claus brings her presents BUT I don't have a problem with her playing with Santa Claus and doing Santa crafts. Today's biggest error and this is a warning for you Liz, Do Not Use Snow Foam Spray. I repeat again: Do Not Use Snow Foam Spray, lol. It's a lot of mess and a lot of cleaning and it smells (not suitable for us allergic):(
2 days ago:
Yesterday, we did a snow flake, wreath, Santa Claus yesterday and a snowman. (the snowflake idea is taken from notimeforflashcards, otherwise, they are all my ideas:)

She couldn't do it, it was too strong for her so mommy did it!

You can see that she wasn't very excited that mommy did it;)

Christmas cookies, yummy:)

She is the one who chose where to put everything.

And today,we made a lovely lovely snowman, another Santa, amazing snowflakes and we read some Christmas books (one given to her from Santa in the mall) and one we had for $3 from fivebelow store. We also played with the sensory tub.

I don't have a stapler so I use brass fasteners instead.

I'm that cheap, I didn't buy paper plates of different sizes so I just cut it with scissors.

is there a kid who doesn't love glitter?

A chance to write the alphabet letters;)

For our sensory tub (theme: winter/Christmas), I used a lot of things this time, some we used before and some things bought. here is a list of what is inside: cotton balls, foam balls, transparent fish eggs (we had from our Science Sunday before), trees, tiny snowman, little people playing with snow, penguin stencil, Christmas tree stencil, snowflakes, glitter, boots, reindeer stencil, 2 ornaments, bird, pine cones and a present box.

Tomorrow is Science Sunday and you bet it's about snow and ice:)
Thanks for reading and sharing us our joyful moments,

1 comment:

  1. SHERINE! I love her. So much. This was so great! I promise I will not get snow spray, we have enough real snow as it is! Lol!

    Her snowman is FANTASTIC! And I love that she chose where to put everything. She is so smart, and so lucky! I love all these activities because Christmas is my FAVOURITE!!! :D The sensory tub is so awesome!!!!


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