
Saturday, December 17, 2011

A little here and there...

Life has been far from perfect the last few days. Emergency rooms, allergic reactions, blood tests, many last minute (since we are travelling) appointments and tons of shopping. Both mommy and the little girl are worn out and accordingly both of them are not acting as best as they can. Mommy has been short of temper and Sarah feeds on that. This emphasizes the meaning of trial and error for which this blog was created so we need to reconnect and I think tomorrow might be perfect for it since it is Sunday and mommy has some holidays-themed science experiments ready;) Anyway, Sarah has been asking to play over and over again and mommy had to do something so today, while Sarah was eating her yogurt, mommy prepared a sensory tub in 5 minutes. The theme is "Letter F". She loved it. It contained, flowers, Fs, 4s, a fan, a fox, fish, a feather and 2 flags (Egyptian flag and American flag). After we finished playing with it, Sarah got to know which one is the Egyptian flag and which one is the American one. Now, she also knows: fox, fan and that birds have feathers, lol. I put in some beads (brought from the dollar tree store) and they come in a flower shape container. This helped later in so many things, wait and see.

So, we of course used the beads for beading which Sarah spent 30 whole minutes to do only 4 beads before getting bored/frustrated and then, we used it in sorting;) She did it almost perfectly except that she constantly misplaced the medium and the small green beads. Honestly speaking, I don't blame her, the difference is minimal. Anyway, it took 30 more minutes until she finished all of them and she was so sleepy by then because of the meds. I was frustrated that I didn't have a frog to put in the sensory tub but I made it up for myself when we read the book, "Jump, Frog, Jump" that we got from the library.
 That was all for today and again, I'm so sorry for our short posts.


  1. F is for Fun! :P I love her! What great ideas for the F sensory box!!! And I can't believe she did so well beading!!!

  2. I am so sorry about the stress around these last few days!! I trust everyone is feeling better!! Good for you for still getting some learning in - WOW! I think I would have called it a week =-) Your sensory bin is great! I am your newest follower! I'd love for you to follow me back, if you want to =) I also wanted to invite you to link up to TGIF Linky Party - http://livinglifeintentionally.blogspot.com/search/label/Linkey%20Parties - I know my readers would love this!! Merry Christmas,

  3. Merry Christmas beth:) I followed your blog:)) thank you for sharing us our fun. I'll try to link in your Linky party. Do I have to wait till Fridays or any time?

  4. Thanks for the idea. I'm going to share it on my blog tomorrow. I'm talking about 31 days of play and tomorrow is all about building literacy through play. Hope you check it out! www.dirtandboogers.blogspot.com


  5. Thank you Amanda for stopping by. Of course, I'll check it out.


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