
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas every one and happy holidays. I hope you had a wonderful day. We had our Science day today. Let the pictures speak:

A microscope set:)

Mommy had to give some blood to examine it, the little sacrifices that mommies make!



The microscope's resolution wasn't the best. She told me she saw lemons in there, lol. Some were orange, some were gold. the set came with 2 prepared slides. I don't recommend it for anyone, I'd pay a little more and get something a little better.

Filling water glasses.

Coloring the water.

We tried different items (wood piece, little stone, metal, plastic) to see which one produces the clearest sound, the little stone was the winner. we spent 15 minutes playing random music. It was fun:)

We played with them in the dark too:)

Mixing colors in the sink.

Sarah won't be the coming Da vinci, lol. I asked her to draw mommy and this was what she drew. You can see the two eyes, little nose and a mouth;)

And then mommy helped Sarah write some letters on the shaving cream.

We read a lot of books today, one was "11 Experiments that Failed". We read some of these experiments. It is a funny book but definitely not Sarah's age:)
I won't be blogging anymore before January 3rd when we are back in Egypt and after my first exam. We are leaving in a couple of days so a lot of packing and shopping are taking place here right now. thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed.

1 comment:

  1. :D

    Did you look in the microscope too? So much fun! Sarah is so precious!


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