
Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I should be writing different posts BUT I am too lazy so here you go, all in the same package. Yesterday, I bought a xylophone. Both kids had a blast playing with it. You should have seen Farida's reaction :)

Well, I've been preparing this sensory tub for so long. Needless to say, we were both so in love with it! We used sand for the first time. It is all about ancient Egypt so we had some digging to do ;) I hid a lot of tiny things in the sand, we spent a lot of time searching for them. Liz, I know you'd love this one. There are pyramids, sphinx, papyrus paper, Akhenaton, camels, an ancient queen pen and so much more :)

Brushing the monuments!

Is it OK to eat sand momma?!

Sorting coins!

She did very well in this!


She struggled with them in the beginning but finally, she could do them.

This is for you, Liz since you asked. We had a play date here at home and the room turned into a disaster. We played a game and she took everything back to its place. She even asked to vacuum it later ;) All I had to do was turn it into fun!

Proud of her work :)

Thank you for joining us.


  1. SHERINE! I love love love this. The fact that you put it in sand makes it even better! I love it all!
    I have never seen the Egyptian coins, too! I think they are new from when I lived there. Funny!
    I love that you got her the brush to brush off the sand, the little archaeologist!!! Amazing.

    And I love that she cleans so well :D Adrian would love to vacuum but ours is so heavy, so he pretends his toy pram is a vacuum and rams it into me as I vacuum :P

    1. I am so glad you loved it, Liz! And yes, the Egyptian coins have changed so many times in the last few years.I've always hated sand that's why I don't like beaches, oceans, ...etc BUT I think it is not fair that I deprive Sarah from it just because I don't like it so I had to do it to overcome my mental barrier :)

  2. What a great idea. Thank you for sharing. Also, thank you for stopping by my blog. Have a great week!

  3. I LOVE your Ancient Egypt sensory tub! My kids always loved activities like that. Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. (If you could add the Montessori Monday button or link back, that would be awesome!) I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and pinned it to my Any-Season Sensory Tubs/Sensory Experiences Pinterest board at http://pinterest.com/debchitwood/any-season-sensory-tubs-sensory-experiences/


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