
Friday, February 17, 2012

May I trick you?

I'll trick you in a few minutes. I have seen this idea of colored water balloons on Here and thought about giving it a try. I filled 10-12 balloons but only 7 had colors, gave Sarah scissors and asked her to pop them and it was so much fun.
Did you like the idea? Did you sense the fun? Here are the list of errors we went through:
First, Sarah didn't want to pop the balloons. She wanted to play with them. After a lot of persuasion, she was OK.
Second, she couldn't cut them with the scissors. I gave her a pin and again, it didn't work. I guess the balloon skin was too thick) so I was the one who cut each one of them with the scissors and it was too much work for me so no way Sarah could have done this.
Third, Sarah doesn't like her face to be splashed with water. She hates splashes in the park and any uncontrolled water. When the balloons were cut, they splashed water. Sarah freaked out, cried and wanted to escape the tub, lol. So it was far from fun!!!
Anyway, this was yesterday. Today was really a lot of fun for both kids. We went out with some friends and went to "funworks". We loved it. Of course, Sarah needed some time to warm up but she wants to go there everyday. Unfortunately, it is only available once a week for only a couple of hours. Farida also had a lot of smiles and giggles. The staff there is so friendly and they don't leave any child behind. They have a safe clean place, they have a lot of equipment and they face paint, play with balloons, bubbles, jump on the jumping mat, play with puzzles and beads and a lot more. I was surprised that Sarah sang with strangers for the first time. She sang the "ABC" song, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "Old McDonald", "Five Little Monkeys", "If You're Happy and You Know it" and "The wheels on The Bus". Remember, English is not our first language but we always sing these songs and I found out today that Sarah knew them very well :)

I think this is a great sensory activity, she slept, swam & jumped in here.

Not my face, you can have my hand :)

Mommy, are you sure you're holding  tight?

I adore this smile, don't you?!

Jumping, singing & clapping!

I hope you enjoyed and are not too angry with me for tricking you! Thanks for reading.


  1. Sherine I am so in love with this one! FARIDA'S SMILE! It kills me. She is so precious and HAPPY. I want to hold her, and Sarah too of course. You have the two most precious girls!

    And I'm laughing because we bought balloons today :D SOMETHING I CAN DO FINALLY! WOOHOOOO!

  2. على فكرة حلوين اوى اوى اوى والمدرسة جميلة والبقعة وسارة اكثر من رائعين


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