
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

And the fun continues ...

We were out and about for a couple of days but here is a picture ...
 She was all about stacking these wipe containers

Yesterday, we worked through letter "C". I got some ideas from this great site: http://www.kiboomu.com/ 
Here is what we did:

A caterpillar using water paints and a bottle cap

 Another caterpillar using an ice cream stick, white glue, wiggly eyes and pom poms

 Of course, our ABC letter soup:)

 Letter "C" cotton cloud

 You'll find the template of this on the link mentioned above. I asked Sarah to tell me where she thinks I should stick the head, wings, ...etc and i glued them. She colored the eyes:)

 One more egg carton caterpillar, not perfect but it functions;)

 A chicken, again the template is on the same link


blue construction paper, red water paint, hands, wiggly eyes and glue:)

 After nap time, we worked a little through Math. I printed out these caterpillar numbers (Pardon me, I don't remember the link). We spread them on the floor to form a caterpillar and mommy gave the instructions for Sarah to jump from number 2 to 8, then to 4 and then to 6, ...etc. I wanted to make sure that Sarah can recognize the numbers. then we scattered them and i asked her to put them in order. Of course, she was distracted so many times but eventually, she finished the task:) I wish I can find some way to teach her patience.

After that, I gave her a simple worksheet, printed from the same link. She has to count the ants and then circle the number that represents them. Sarah still can't draw circles (My mistake) :(
Mommy had to give Sarah a treat so mommy prepared a ladybug snack. Sarah was hesitant whether to eat it or not in the beginning because she didn't want the ladybug to be sad, my girl:))

Today was the biggest hit so far. I prepared a mini grocery store for Sarah and a shopping list.I made her wear her jacket and bag, asked her to open her bag and she found the list and then I told her we were going shopping. She was so surprised to find the supermarket at our home but was too happy and excited. My list included number of items needed and pictures of them as well and guess what, she put the exact number in her shopping cart. then I told her she needs to pay for what she got, she opened her bag to be more surprised to find printed money paper in her bag, she paid and bagged her items and insisted on carrying them herself with no help:)

Here is a surprise, grandpa loves learning and encourages it so he brought Sarah a cash register as a gift after he saw this, he also brought her some foam puzzles. She has been playing with her puzzles since then and I still haven't showed her the cash register yet saving it for the same activity some other time;)

Again, mommy gave Sarah a butterfly snack as a treat and Sarah was so happy:)

thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed, pardon the messes, we're having fun:)

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