
Thursday, November 10, 2011

It is still fall, isn't it;)?!

Are you ready for some fun? The days keep getting better and better and I am feeling more relaxed. I am pretty aware that there are four seasons but in Egypt, the differences are not very distinct, maybe this is because we don't have trees or public parks. Anyway, I thought today was perfect for discovering the secrets of fall. We went out at 8:30 and headed to the park, on our way there, we were on a simple mission, collecting leaves of different shapes and colors. I explained to Sarah that the wind shakes the trees and that's why the leaves fall. Our little experiment was making Sarah shake one of the tree branches and watch how this makes the leaves fall. The girl had a blast:) We made little Farida touch everything we found. Finally, we reached the park, colored with chalk and had more fun free time.

^^^ Notice the flower in her hair;)

After a short trip to the dollar store, we headed back home to paint:

 Some green foam and green construction paper to have different textures.

And no, she wasn't happy where we put it, she wanted to play with it but she was convinced that this way, Farida will be able to watch it while sleeping:)

Can you believe that I sacrificed my nap time to prepare a sensory tub?! but it was so worth it, I was the proud of my work. It cost us only $4 and could have cost $3 if we collected more leaves.

^^^ Did you notice the ant and the roach?

I have to admit that I discovered the meaning of sensory tub today and I saw how fun it could turn to be. I provided Sarah with tongs, a formula can spoon and a magnifying glass and opened this treasure for her. Wow, it took her more than an hour busy with it, I had to tempt her to leave it with difficulty. She scooped, filled, emptied, used the tongs, discovered the plastic ant and roach and teased me and Farida with them, gave each of us some stones, leaves, apples and flower petals as presents. She asked about the names of things like the pine cones and tried to eat the apples, it was a total success and it will stay with us for a while.

^^^Yes, this is a photo of mommy on the table, she insisted on putting it there:)

I have to put some thoughts here. First, this experience made a huge difference in all of us. We are connecting more every day, discovering beauty in every step, learning while having fun and sharing every step. I don't think this will create a dependent girls but instead, it will create independent girls who learnt and are sure that mommy is always there watching , we will learn to trust each other more because now, we are best friends. Yes, my daughters are not only my daughters, they are my friends and partners. Second, I let go of the schedules. I feel more relaxed and organized so I let the ship sail with us in the direction it wants:)
I hope you  shared us our fun.
Thanks for reading...


  1. Sarah looks so happy! It looks like you had quite an amazing day. The sensory tub looks beautiful, more like decoration (minus the bugs!) than a toy, but such a great toy and learning object! I love the tree made out of hands :) We are going to make a "Christmas" tree like this!
    The leaves in NY are beautiful! :P

  2. so creative shery ! You are a gifted mother . You are wonderful . I am very proud of u .I liked the sensory tub so much . I believe that this will strengthen the relation between you and your daughters. You are just great and I am so proud of you. love you

  3. The handprint tree is so cute!

    Stopped by from the Link & Learn.


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