
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I can't think about a title:)

Are you still reading? Good! because today was extra fun:) We started off with the letter of the day "D". We watched a video about "ducks", "dragons" and "dinosaurs" on youtube. Then we did some crafts taken from http://www.kiboomu.com/ and again, she attacked all of us using the dog and dinosaur:

After that, we did the ABC letter soup which helped greatly in making her recognize the letter:
Some beading:

We did an experiment trying to make Sarah understand that water and oil do not mix
Yes, those are tears because mommy said no, she can't drink this water and oil

After nap time, there was a sensory tub, I love this one. It cost us $2 and we resued a lot of items we had before. The theme is "under the ocean"

I colored the water with blue, added some silver glitter and put some rubbery fish under some stones because I did not want all the rubbery fish to float, I wanted her to fish them:) I added some foam sea creatures from her foam puzzle. Then, I supplied her with these:

And the girl had a blast:

We made Farida touch the rubbery fish and please, don't hate me for the messy hair. Sarah refuses mommy to do it except once a day in the morning.
Again, she did not want to stop:) She learnt names of some sea/ocean creatures and learnt that the dolphin is our friend. After that, we watched a video about dolphin shows from Orlando on youtube and she wants to go:) Maybe, we'd go to the acquaruim soon.
After that, we played with play-duh and finally, we had to have some time for physical activity so we played bowling using our ball and shampoo bottles:)

Sarah is interested in a lot of things these days and I have to take advantage of this. She is interested in snow, snowmen, snowflakes, ...etc because we never had snow in Egypt. She is also interested in animals. I am waiting patiently for december to start with her the snow theme, my sensory tub is almost ready only missing 2 things I insist on adding which are : doll boots and jacket to get her to understand winter clothes. I think we can invest her interest in animals in role playing, we'll see.
Thank you for making it that far and again, I hope you enjoyed:


  1. Oh my goodness you keep outdoing yourself! What a full day of activities! Poor Sarah wanting to drink the oil water, so silly! It is sad to see her with tears! She is such a smart little girl. And Farida gets to take all of this in! Your girls will be ahead of their class with a mother like you!

    The water in the tub is genius, and messy, and messy scares me! But it looks like she had a blast fishing. I love her bunny ears :D

  2. Thank you Liz for your nice comments:)You know I love you, lol! It is easier after time to limit the mess by setting rules like the space where she is allowed to play in, ...etc and a constant reminder is also good;)

  3. I did enjoyed it very much Sherine. I miss Sarah a lot and you too of course . You are a great mother Shery . This Serine who is always creative , active and responsible . I love u Shery . May Allah protect you and your daughters!

  4. I like the way she looks even with hair like this.
    I love her'

  5. Thank you dodo. I miss you so much and I love you as you know for sure:) Thank you for believing in me:) Sarah is a very big girl now, when you see her, you won't believe how big she is!

  6. That is an awesome sensory tub! I love how creative it is. I haven't done water in the tubs yet. We've done a lot of grains, beads, etc. I'm going to have to do that. Thanks for the idea. :)

  7. You're very welcome dear Allsion:)

  8. Looks like a busy day! What a great sensory tub. She really seemed to like the fishing. I am a new follower from No Time For Flashcards. Vicky from Mess For Less

  9. Welcome Vicky:) Hope you enjoy with us!


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