
Sunday, November 13, 2011

When you think it is easy...!!

I saw in so many blogs the "Activity Trays" and told myself (no offense), what's the big deal? Come on, how hard can it be to pour something from one pitcher to the other? or to string beads onto?!! And since I thought it was pretty easy, I couldn't imagine it would be any fun to little miss Sarah. Guess what? It is HARD, FUN and CHALLENGING:) Yes, I gave it a try today since I needed some quiet time to relax. You can see yourself:

Can you see the determination and focus? The pouring activity was the most difficult for her but I think practice makes perfect:) The beading activity became easy once she got the hang of it. All these activities shared one common thing, she did not want to stop:)
After naps, we thought about doing some fun activity. Sarah is obsessed with monsters nowadays. I prepared those yesterday (got the feet idea from how to on youtube):

and today, we did that:)

She attacked all of us laughing;) My husband is reading the blog too from Egypt and he says he is impressed:)
On another note, I'm dying to get these: http://www.amazon.com/Primary-Concepts-Alphabet-Objects-Kit/dp/B0038QXC44%3FSubscriptionId%3D19BAZMZQFZJ6G2QYGCG2%26tag%3Dsquidooa266851-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB0038QXC44 maybe one day:)
Thanks for reading,


  1. So awesome Sherine! She is so funny! She wants to be a little monster :P
    I can't believe she can bead something so small! Adrian JUST got the hang of that with a big rope and blocks, it is hard work! And the q-tip thing is awesome!
    I really love the activity tray idea, Adrian's going to get one with some magnetic fuzzies for Christmas :D

  2. Liz it's amazing the difference between boys and girls, isn't it? Jett can't do those beads yet.


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