
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week Summary!

I believe socialization is part of the learning process, we won't live in a cocoon, memorize all the books and pretend we know it all! So we went out with some friends and their kids, they are close in age to Sarah. We went to the Children's Museum and I have to mention this: 3 months ago, Sarah was so scared of participating in the activities in that place. Yesterday, I saw a different Sarah, she was helping others, guiding the younger kids, sharing her information, this is the moment when you get to feel you did something right:)

She is so interested in puzzles!

Seeing magnified bugs.

This girl is obsessed with puzzles and butterflies:)
We went alone on another day to watch "Happy feet 2", she loved it for the first hour and then, she couldn't sit still, I can see her point, I think they should make kids' movies no more than one hour!! We also made a pizza:)

And today, Sarah and Farida played with the pre-prepared sensory tub "Wild Forest". She did not want to leave it, I had to promise her that she'll play again with it tomorrow.
Closing her eyes upon mommy's request waiting for the sensory tub:) 

 As expected, she tried to taste it;)

On another note, trialanderrormama blog was passed an award. Thank you Brittney, I really appreciate it. Here is a link:
Thank you for sharing us our moments and hope you enjoyed:)

1 comment:

  1. Sarah is in heaven!!! So much for her to do! How did she even choose? Was she running from place to place outsmarting all the other kids? :D

    And I LOVE that Farida is sitting next to Sarah and experiencing the sensory tub! LOL at Sarah eating the food!


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