
Sunday, December 4, 2011

I Love Sundays!

I don't have to remind you, it's Sunday which means...... yes, Mad Science Sunday, YAAAAY! We made some cookies in the morning and after nap time, we started our Science projects. Now Sarah knows "test Tube":) there were some colors, fizzy solutions, erupting solutions, illuminating solutions that lightens the dark:)) she pretended she was a witch and yes, she chose the evil witch, lol! This girl loves monsters and witches, however, she keeps telling me she is a princess:)

It was so messy today, Liz and Sarah was so sad at the end that the magic ink erased her name:( I couldn't take pictures of the illuminating potion, because the flash of the phone was making it too bright and when I turned off the flash, it didn't show at all. I love Science and I hope Sarah gets to love it too. By the way, Sarah is showing unexpected great deal of patience these days!! She can wait for hours without complaining until mommy is ready to start playing:)
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. What a great day! She is definitely a princess :) I love her little face!

    It looks like so much fun, and I laughed to hear that she was upset that her name erased! Silly girl!

    I think she needs to share some of that patience with Adrian. Or actually, with me, because I can't remember where I put mine! :P


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