
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

More Shapes!

Hey lovely faces, 
We are still working on shapes. I know Sarah knows them so well now but the variety of the activities doesn't give her the chance to get bored. I am also somehow following her lead and interests. For example, Sarah is currently very obsessed with clowns. She is even planning from now to her coming birthday party and she has decided to use the clown theme. I used this obsession to help us with shapes. It was something I saw long ago on Pinterest. We made a shape clown. Sarah also used pipe cleaners to create shapes.

Both Sarah and Farida played with shapes and play-dough. We did some dot-a-dot on shapes. I also drew the shapes with white crayon "wax colors" on a sheet of paper and then both Sarah and Farida colored it with regular markers to reveal the shapes.

Sarah did some cutting practice too. Farida also gave it a try :D

I have started a photo-dictionary that we are going to build ourselves. All the vocabulary words we are going to encounter are going to be put in this dictionary. The shapes were our starting words. Here:

All the sheets used are taken from this great source: 3 Dinosaurs.
And these are just recent taken images taken on the sea shore.

I don't like the new collage pictures I have used, they don't show the details and they are way too distracting. I promise I amnot going to use them again.

Also, I forgot to share with you an error I have done in the last post here. Thank God, a lot of people liked the ideas in this post an it was even featured on Sunday Showcase but what I forgot to mention is that I forgot and left the whole sensory tub untouched for a couple of day. Guess what happened? Mold grew on everything :( Yikees! I of course had to throw the water beads and deeply clean the shapes with Detol and other stuff. So, this is something I have learnt in the process.

I need to consult you, my friends, in something. Farida doesn't seem interested in any of the prepared activities we do. She wants to throw anything or disturb Sarah and take her things away. She screams and cries as if we are torturing her. The only thing she seems to enjoy is the sensory tubs. I know there is a 2-year- gap between both girls but I really don't know how to overcome this knowing that I currently don't have anyone to help.

That was all for today. We will continue some more with the shapes in our twisted ways following Sarah's leads. Thank you for visiting. Please, come back and check soon.


  1. Finally !!!

    About Farida , she looks to be a movable girl . Remember when u played that game http://trialanderrormama.blogspot.com/2013/08/i-can-see-shapes-everywhere.html ?! :D , she liked it because you were asking them to fly to the other shape or jump on one leg and crawl..... so , just let her do any thing that she can move in it :)

    Miss her :( and Happy Birthday to her *Hugs and kisses*

    1. I will keep this in mind :) Thanks for the birthday wishes :)


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