
Thursday, February 23, 2012


The theme this week, I never had a theme before if you have noticed, is RAINBOW ! Can these even be a theme? I guess yes, I have already a lot of ideas covering this theme. Sarah already knows the colors but this combination is new for her. I prepared this tub yesterday. I bought nothing this time, I had everything on hand. Here:


My old necklaces and accessories (many beads ;) ).

Orange hair strands from our dress up hair,
 Pom poms, marbles, colored rice and beads.

I don't have blue food coloring so I couldn't add rice here, 
I used blue gems instead!
I love the colors!

Her large beads and eggs!

Pegs, hair bands, fuzzy stems (I shaped them into a butterfly and an arc),
balloons and beads.

Dough cutters. 

Can you see her foot warmer?


Then right into the real beads.
Mommy, didn't you know I have to do them?!

Blowing the balloon!
Weird enough, she didn't notice the hair!!!

Scooping and pouring!

Now, I have  a question for the sensory bin experts? How do you introduce your bin for a second and third time? Do your kids remain interested in it? I really need to know. I guess I'm scared of introducing it and getting disappointed if Sarah didn't enjoy the repetition!
After that, we HAD TO play with our light table. GEMS! I love them! Now, seriously, Farida loves our light table the most. Don't try to mess with her and take her away from it when it is on. She will throw a fit which is totally unlike her so you know she is serious.

She was falling here but was so attached to the bin,
I told you: she won't let it go!

I missed hands on crafts. We'll be doing more in the next few days but thank you Allison  for reminding us of this one :)


Here, I realized I needed to stop being cheap and add more color.
It didn't really matter afterwards, she was happy with it anyway ;)

She told me to hand it in there.

I think everything around us is a learning opportunity. Today, we went to the library. Sarah chose some books to read. They were really advanced BUT it is still a learning opportunity. Forget about reading, let's look at these pictures and say what we can see. Can you count them, baby? Good job, now tell me, what color is this ...? Endless ways to learn. we moved around the library looking at every craft or picture hanging on the wall, mentioning the letters if we saw any. Learning doesn't have to be structured or in a room, it is all around us.
Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed!
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  1. Sherine I don't know how you do this, make the sensory bins so full of so many neat things for the girls to play with! And I love the gems on the light table, Farida is such a smart little girl, of course she's in love with gems! ;)

    1. i am a kid inside, Liz. I love colors, games and challenges. I feel proud after I finish my work and I feel happy when I play with my girls, lol. I am Leo by the way if that makes sense :)

  2. Our rainbow sensory bin is the kids' favorite one we've ever done. I love yours!

    1. Thank you. I want to tell you that your blog is such an inspiration. Of course, you can see that I've grabbed your button :)

  3. wow what a fab sensory bin. I have some rainbow rice, and i don't even add anything to it and my son still loves it - we've had it 6 months now and he plays with it about once a week, so I wouldn't worry too much about kids not being into the repetition, they'll just find a different way to enjoy it. We play with cars and dump trucks in ours.
    By the way I LOVE the gems on the light box.

    1. Thanks The Monko. I think you're right! Maybe, it's me ;)I'm planning on bringing cars and trucks for Sarah to play with. I don't believe in gender differences in play :)

  4. I love your sensory tub ideas here - and how cool that your little girl is wearing a rainbow dress too! We have an outer space sensory tub that we're playing with at the moment which my kids love (on my blog if you'd care to see it). I found you through the Kids-Cop linky - thanks for sharing your idea :)

    1. I'd love to see your sensory tub. I'll check today after the girls sleep. I was going to do an outer space theme last week (as far as I remember) but couldn't find miniature items related to it in the dollar store or in the collection I have. All I got is the solar system at my room set and some glowing stars and planets so i postponed it to some other time. Thank you for stopping by :)

  5. What a great post!!! Love the rainbow rice. So much fun.

    1. Thank you so much lyndsay. Hope you enjoy more with us :)

  6. LOVE the colorful sensory bin!! And how cool that your daughter is wearing a rainbow shirt just for the occasion =-) I shared this with my readers here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Living-Life-Intentionally/261252997248957 Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a GREAT weekend,
    Beth =-)

    1. Thank you Beth. I love your blog and I'm so glad you liked our sensory bin :)

  7. Awesome sensory bin! We just dyed rice for the first time with our Valentine sensory bin and my little boy really enjoyed it! Dried food fillers are the best because they are so easy and inexpensive. Like The Monko said, I think letting the kids lead when and how to play with it is best. Sometimes, though, if Boogie doesn't play with his for awhile, I ask if he wants to but if he says no, I never push it. Sometimes if he is bored or needs to sit quietly, I will bring out the blanket and sit down with the bin myself, and he will pretty much always join me.

    1. Thank you Sierra for joining us. I think I'll give it another try in a couple of days, see what happens and tell you :) I do the same technique a lot of times with Sarah when I want to engage her in something and she says "no" ;)

  8. What an awesome rainbow post! I LOVE your rainbow sensory bin! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I added your post link to my Montessori-Inspired St. Patrick's Day Activities at http://livingmontessorinow.com/2012/03/05/montessori-monday-montessori-inspired-st-patricks-day-activities/

  9. I missed this one! Awesome bin. I agree with everyone, just keep offering it. Jax plays with his bins at random times during the day. Jax still needs help getting the lids off, so he usually asks.

    1. I offered it again yesterday and I love the fact that she dealt with it with the same enthusiasm as if it was brand new :)

  10. lots of Rainbow fun here! great timing too as I am looking for St Patrick's day activities and some of them will be Rainbow related. Glad i found your blog! Thanks for sharing.


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